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Iowa Health Care Association | Iowa Center for Assisted Living | Iowa Center for Home Care


◂  May 2024

Medicaid HCBS Elderly Waiver Program


Iowa Health Care Association
1775 90th St.
West Des Moines, IA 50266

Medicaid HCBS Elderly Waiver Program

Program Description

This program will include an overview of Iowa’s Home and Community Based Elderly Waiver Program, information necessary to understand, implement, and manage recent changes to HCBS waiver programs, a detailed exploration of the documentation process, and an interactive Q & A session.

Who Should Attend

  • Nurses
  • Social Services
  • NF Administrators
  • Assisted Living Managers


Iowa Health Care Association
1775 90th St.
West Des Moines, IA


May 23, 2024

8:30 AM          Registration/Check-In
9:00 AM          Program begins
11:45 AM          Lunch (provided)
12:15 PM          Program continues
3:00 PM          Adjourn

Session Descriptions

HCBS Elderly Waiver Review – Speaker: Stacy Hejda
The focus of this session will be an overview of Iowa’s Home and Community Based Elderly Waiver Program.  Discussion will focus on what HCBS policies and procedures facilities are required to have in place, the requirements for staff training, eligibility requirements, documentation standards, and an understanding of the billing protocol.

HCBS Waiver Redesign – Speaker: Latisha McQuire
This session will provide participants with the information necessary to understand, implement, and manage the changes to HCBS waiver programs. Understand the purpose and goals of HCBS waiver redesign initiatives. Learn about the principles and key components of redesigned HCBS waiver programs. Understand the regulatory and compliance considerations associated with HCBS waiver redesign efforts.

Service Documentation, Updates, and Reminders – Speaker: Latisha McGuire
This session will provide a detailed exploration of the documentation process, including what needs to be documented, how to accurately record services provided, and the significance of thorough documentation for reimbursement and accountability. You will also learn how to document in a way that is reflective of the support provided to individuals, and how to identify the information needed in service documentation practices.

MCO Elderly Waiver Q & A – Speaker: Representatives from Iowa’s Managed Care Organizations
This session will provide a detailed exploration of the documentation process, including what needs to be documented, how to accurately record services provided, and the significance of thorough documentation for reimbursement and accountability. You will also learn how to document in a way that is reflective of the support provided to individuals, and how to identify the information needed in service documentation practices.

Continuing Education Credit

This program is approved for 5.0 contact hours for:

  • Nurses (IBON provider #166)
  • Social Services
  • NF Administrators
  • Assisted Living Managers

Registration Fees

Members:   $140 per person
Non-Members:    $420 per person
Fee includes access to handouts, CEUs, continental breakfast, and lunch.

Speaker Bios

Latisha McGuire is a Long-Term Services and Support Policy Program Manager with Iowa Medicaid. She has a variety of policy subject matter responsibilities including slot management, case management, oversight of the Elderly and AIDS/HIV Waivers, as well as other projects and service-specific policy roles. She has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a master’s degree in health informatics and analytics from Drake University. Prior to her tenure with Iowa Medicaid, she spent her career in case management withing Long Term Services and Supports.

Stacy Hejda is the Director of Business Development with Healthcare of Iowa, formerly known as Assisted Living Partners.  She has over 20 years of experience working with assisted living programs.  Stacy serves on the ICAL Board as Vice Chai and has been active on the ICAL Payment for Services and Quality Committees.  She represented Iowa as a NCAL 2013-2014 Future Leaders of America and currently serves on the NCAL Board.


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