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Iowa Health Care Association | Iowa Center for Assisted Living | Iowa Center for Home Care

Effective workers’ compensation coverage

Work with those who truly understand your business. ECSI is proud to partner with Iowa Long-Term Care (LTC) Risk Management Association, a group self-insured association that provides workers’ compensation coverage to more than 190 Iowa LTC providers.

Iowa LTC Risk Management Association provides a tailored loss prevention program and consultations with trained loss control professionals who know the LTC industry. The program provides a wide range of services designed to monitor treatment and reduce costs associated with claims.

The medical management program assists in providing excellent care for your employees, as well as returning employees back to work. The association is professionally administered by Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. (CCMSI), a recognized leader in the risk management industry. CCMSI specializes in working with clients to develop effective group self-administered programs.

Iowa LTC Risk Management Association exists for the sole benefit of its membership and is governed by a board of trustees, comprised of LTC owners and administrators who ensure that member needs and concerns come first.

For questions, contact Dean Curtis, an Iowa CCMSI representative, at [email protected] or 515-223-9022.