English Valley Nursing Care Center/Valley View Assisted Living is seeking C..N.A.’s for its small, rural skilled nursing facility . The facility is located in the heart of North English and possesses a family atmosphere with a team environment.

C.N.A.’s are expected to perform the following functions:

Work as a team-player within the nursing department
Provide an active role in the facility’s Quality Assurance Program
Work with a resident-centered focus
While long-term care experience is preferred, it is not required. Our company seeks a professional with a good attitude and a willingness to work hard. Please contact Kourtney Williams, Administrator, at 319-664-3256 or stop by the facility to obtain an application.

English Valley Care Center/Valley View Assisted Living

150 W. Washington St.

North English, IA 52316


Job Types: Full-time, Part-time

Company Info

Company Name
English Valley Nursing Care Center

Company URL

Contact Name
Kourtney Williams

[email protected]



150 West Washington Street
North English, IA 52316