Licensed Nursing Home Administrator

R e s i d e n t C a r e & Q u a l i t y o f L i f e

Oversee that nursing services, social service programs, activity programs, food service programs and medical services are planned, implemented and evaluated to meet resident needs to maximize resident quality of life and quality of care.Oversee that a health information management system is planned, implemented and evaluated to meet documentation requirements and ensure confidentiality of resident information.Identify, monitor, and ensure that quality indicators and quality improvement programs are utilized to maximize effectiveness in resident care and services.

Oversee that a pharmaceutical program is planned, implemented and evaluated to support medical care for residents to maximize resident quality of life and quality of care.

Oversee that a rehabilitation program is planned, implemented and evaluated to maximize residents’ optimal level of functioning.

Oversee that resident complaints and grievances are reviewed in a timely manner, discuss with the resident and family as appropriate and resolved to maximize resident quality of life and quality of care.

Oversee the establishment of a Resident Group Council and monitor to ensure the integration of Resident Rights with all aspects of resident care.

Oversee that personnel strictly follow policies governing timely notice for resident discharges and room or roommate changes.

Oversee that residents receive care in a manner and in an environment that maintains or enhances their quality of life without abridging the safety and rights of other residents.

Assist the Director of Nursing Services in developing the Pre-admission Screening and Annual Review of Mentally Ill and Mentally Retarded Individuals (PASARR) program as necessary.

H u m a n R e s o u r c e s

Develop, implement, and monitor recruitment, development, evaluation, and retention programs to provide quality resident care and services.

Assist in the recruitment and selection of competent department directors, supervisors, consultants and other auxiliary personnel.

Maintain written job descriptions for each staff position in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act, OSHA, and other pertinent laws governing job positions.

Assist department directors in the development and implementation of performance evaluations.

Assist department directors in the development and use of departmental policies and procedures, and establish rapport in and among departments so that each can realize the importance of teamwork.

Oversee that human resource management policies and programs are planned, implemented and evaluated in compliance with governmental entities, laws, and regulations.

Oversee the implementation and monitoring of compensation and benefit programs for staff.

Consult with department directors concerning the operation of their departments to assist in correcting problems and improving services.

Maintain responsibility for an adequate number of appropriately trained professional and auxiliary personnel being on duty at all times to meet the needs of the residents.

Oversee that appropriate policies and procedures are followed when conducting background checks and when providing information to the Nurse Aide Registry.


Oversee that all personnel attend and participate in annual Corporate Compliance, OSHA, and CDC in-service training programs

Create and maintain an atmosphere of warmth, personal interest, and positive emphasis, as well as a calm environment throughout the facility.

Oversee the planning, conducting, and scheduling of in-service training classes, on-the-job training and orientation programs to assure that current material and programs are continuously provided.

Meet with department directors on a regularly scheduled basis, and conduct/participate in in-service classes and supervisory level training programs.

Assist in standardizing the methods in which work will be accomplished.

Monitor competence of the workforce and make necessary adjustments/corrections as required or that may become necessary.

Facilitate the process of communication between management and staff (i.e. coaching, counseling)

Ensure that disciplinary action is administered fairly and without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, age, sex, religion, handicap, or marital status.

Oversee the development and implementation of employee health and safety programs to provide a safe workplace environment.

Serve as liaison to the medical staff, and other professional and supervisory staff.

F i n a n c e

Develop and manage annual operating and capital budgets to effectively utilize fiscal resources.

Develop and implement financial policies, procedures, and systems to monitor financial performance.

Ensure adequate revenue (census development, new sources/services)

Negotiate, interpret, and implement financial aspects of contractual agreements (organized labor, managed care, vendor and consultative services)

Review and interpret monthly financial statements

Submit adequate financial records and cost reports to authorized government agencies as required by current regulations.

Oversee that resident funds being maintained by the facility are managed in accordance with current federal and state regulations and that appropriate accounting records are maintained.

Keep abreast of the economic condition/situation and make adjustments as necessary to assure the continued ability to provide quality care.

Ensure protection of facility assets (insurance coverage, risk management)

Oversee training and education of staff regarding financial management.

L e a d e r s h i p a n d M a n a g e m e n t

Ensure administrative oversight of the survey process.

Conduct administrative review of survey outcomes to develop appropriate response (preparation of plan of correction, preparation of documentation for IDR)

Observe, monitor and evaluate outcomes of all of the facility’s programs, policies and procedures to ensure effectiveness and to fulfill administrative responsibility (facility license, personal NHA license)

Ensure that policies and procedures are developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated in order to maintain compliance with federal, state and local rules and regulations.

Ensure that public information (marketing brochures, policy manuals, etc.) describing the services provided in the facility is accurate.

Educate staff/residents/families/responsible parties and other key groups in regards to the interpretation of facility policies and procedures and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Represent the facility at and participate in Vanguard Healthcare Services, LLC’s meetings.

Develop leadership skills of the management team and key staff.

Oversee that information management systems are in place to support facility operations.

Develop or influence a strategic planning process to ensure viability of the facility.

Identify areas of potential legal liability, and develop and implement an administrative intervention or risk management program to minimize or eliminate exposure.

Ensure adequate facility representation in dealings with outside agencies, including governmental agencies and third party payers

.Make recommendations to Vanguard Healthcare Services, LLC concerning the operation of the facility.


Make routine inspections of the facility to assure that established policies and procedures are being followed.

Maintain an adequate liaison with families and residents.Develop and implement a media relations program including proactive (i.e. promoting positive images about the facility and/or industry) and reactive programs (i.e. situation-specific responses to adverse incidents).

Delegate a responsible staff member to act in your behalf when you are absent from the facility.

P h y s i c a l E n v i r o n m e n t & S a f e t y

Ensure that a system for maintaining and improving buildings, grounds and equipment is planned, implemented and evaluated, including a comprehensive preventative maintenance program.

Ensure that the facility provides a clean, attractive, and home-like environment for residents, staff and visitorsOversee the planning, implementation and evaluation of an environmental safety program that will maintain the health, welfare and safety of residents, staff and visitors.

Maintain responsibility for facility personnel, residents, visitors, etc., following established safety regulations, to include fire protection/prevention, smokingregulations, infection control, etc.

Review accident/incident reports and establish an effective accident prevention program.Oversee that all facility personnel follow established regulations governing the use of labels and MSDS for hazardous chemicals.

Assist the Infection Control Committee, in classifying job-related functions to ensure that tasks involving potential exposure to blood/body fluids are properly identified and recorded.

Ensure that facility procedure manuals identify safety precautions andequipment to use when performing tasks that could cause bodily injury.

Oversee that facility personnel follow established ergonomics policies and procedures (e.g., gait belts, mechanical lifts).

Maintain responsibility for facility personnel participating in an in-service training program prior to performing tasks that involve potential exposure to blood, body fluids, or hazardous chemicals

.Assist the Maintenance Director in developing and implementing waste disposal policies and procedures.

Oversee that staff follow established policies governing the use/disposal of personal protective equipment and disposal of infectious wastes.

Ensure the integration of resident rights with all aspects of the facility environment.

Authorize the purchase of major equipment/supplies in accordance with established purchasing policies and procedures.

Maintain responsibility for the facility being maintained in a clean and safe manner for resident comfort and convenience by assuring that necessary equipment and supplies are maintained to perform such duties/services.

Maintain responsibility for adequate supplies and equipment being on hand to meet the day-to-day operational needs of the facility and residents.

W o r k i n g C o n d i t i o n s

Works in office areas as well as throughout the facility and its premises.

Moves intermittently during working hours.

Is subject to frequent interruptions.

Is involved with residents, family members, associates, visitors, government agencies/personnel, etc., under all conditions/circumstances.

Is subject to hostile and emotionally upset residents, family members, associates, and visitors.

Works beyond normal working hours and on weekends and holidays when necessary.

Is subject to callback during emergency conditions (e.g., severe weather, evacuation,post-disaster, etc.).May be involved in community/civic health matters/projects.

Attends and participates in continuing education programs.

Is subject to injury from falls, burns from equipment, odors, etc., throughout the workday, as well as to reactions from dust, plastics, synthetics, disinfectants, tobacco smoke, and other potential contaminants.


Is subject to exposure to infectious waste, diseases, conditions, etc., including TB and the AIDS and Hepatitis B viruses.

May be subject to the handling of and exposure to hazardous chemicals.

Communicates with the medical staff, nursing personnel, and other department supervisors.

Maintains a liaison with the residents, their families, support personnel, etc., to assure that the residents’ needs are continually met.

J O B R E Q U I R E M E N T S : E d u c a t i o n

Licensed Administrator in the state employed. Must maintain license each year.

E x p e r i e n c e

Must have, as a minimum, two (2) years successful experience as a nursing home administrator in a skilled long-term care facility.

Must possess a current, unencumbered Nursing Home Administrator’s license or meet the licensure requirements of the state in which you are required to work.

S p e c i f i c R e q u i r e m e n t s

Must be able to read, write, speak, and understand the English language.

Must possess the ability to make independent

Company Info

Company Name
Aspire of Perry

Contact Name
Jessica List

[email protected]



2625 Iowa Street
Perry, IA 50220