Nursing Home Administrator

Manage the day-to-day operations of this 54 bed independently owed, skilled, nonprofit nursing facility with 9 independent living condo/apartments.
Coordinate and provide leadership to each clinical, managerial, and custodial team, and ensure that they work together effectively.
Ensure the facility operates in compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations
Coordinate with clinical staff to ensure residents’ individual care plans are being followed
Provide regular safety and compliance training
Create and maintain a budget
Oversee billing and set fees
Act as the ‘face’ of the organization to the governing board, the public, and residents’ families; and as a liaison between staff, residents, and families
Communicate with facilities Board of Directors.

Company Info

Company Name
Cedar Manor Nursing Home

Contact Name
Alisha Hubler

[email protected]



1200 Mulberry St
Tipton, IA 52772