Registered Nurse

Ensure resident care meets the highest standards.
Observe, assess, report resident condition/changes, and maintain accurate documentation.
Administer medications/treatments as prescribed.
Receive, transcribe, and implement physician’s orders.
Implement and evaluate care plans.
Identify and secure necessary equipment and supplies.
Provide direction, accountability, and oversight to subordinates.
Monitor compliance with infection control protocols.
Investigate and document accidents and incidents.

Valid RN or LPN License
Proven experience in providing high-standard resident care.
Proficient in observing, assessing, and accurately documenting resident condition/changes.
Demonstrated ability to administer medications and treatments as prescribed.
Experience in receiving, transcribing, and implementing physician’s orders.
Competent in implementing and evaluating care plans.
Knowledgeable in identifying and securing necessary equipment and supplies.
Strong leadership skills with the ability to provide direction, accountability, and oversight to subordinates.
Familiarity with infection control protocols and the ability to monitor and ensure compliance.
Excellent investigative and documentation skills for accidents and incidents.
Job Types: Part-time, Full-time
Salary: From $33.50 per hour

Company Info

Company Name
Spurgeon Manor

Company URL

Contact Name
Sarah Rabinowitz

[email protected]



1204 Linden St
Dallas Center, IA 50063