
Protect the future of long-term care by becoming involved with IHCA’s legislative advocacy efforts. IHCA’s efforts have made major progress on issues critical to the sustainability of the long-term care profession and deliver results to secure the resources and support members need to provide quality care.

IHCA’s experienced legislative advocacy team has a proven track record of delivering proactive solutions that protect access to care and preventing harmful legislation that would hinder Iowans’ ability to access the care they need.

These accomplishments are made possible through IHCA members' grassroots efforts, IHCA’s state and federal lobbying and through Iowa Health PAC.

Members can learn more about IHCA’s legislative track record, Iowa Health PAC, as well as how to take part in IHCA’s grassroots advocacy in the resources below. For more information about our advocacy programs, contact Merea Bentrott or Brandon Hagen.

Legislative Priorities

Legislative Priorities

Member Action Center

Member Action Center

Iowa Health PAC

Iowa Health PAC

Advocacy Events

Advocacy Events