Get Involved
Make valuable connections with other long-term care professionals by becoming involved with IHCA’s boards, committees, advisory councils, peer groups, Iowa Health PAC and the IHCA Foundation.
Members can network, make their voices heard and help advance the profession by applying to join IHCA’s boards, councils and committees. Whether your role is related to activities, nursing, quality improvement or public policy – there’s a group for you. Additionally, various exclusive events are held throughout the year, allowing members to connect with their peers.
Make an impact on legislative matters by joining Iowa Health PAC, the political action committee for Iowa’s long-term care profession. Iowa Health PAC allows providers to pool their resources together to support candidates for state and federal office who understand the issues impacting long-term care in Iowa.
Recruit and retain top-notch employees with resources from the IHCA Foundation, a 501c3 organization committed to supporting the workforce needs of the long-term care profession. Thanks to the generous support of donors, IHCA members have access to a variety of scholarship programs and career education programs designed to build awareness of career opportunities in the long-term care profession.
For more information on opportunities to get involved, email [email protected].