Manilla Manor of Manilla, Iowa is seeking a licensed nursing facility administrator to oversee our home. Manilla Manor is an independent 40 bed skilled nursing home located in a rural community. Our home is a resident directed home where the staff are there to assist the resident to be the best they can be. The facility is a stand-alone facility and is governed by a Board of Directors that meet with the Administrator on a monthly basis.
The right candidate must assume the responsibility for the overall operation of the facility including budgeting, staffing, administrative and regulatory compliance.
He/she will provide supervision and administration of quality nursing care and directs the hiring and training of personnel in order to provide excellent resident care.
He/she will have overall responsibility of maintaining control and directing all facility financial concerns, such as budget planning, accounting and establishing rates for health care services. Negotiates for maintenance, improvement of and additions to the facility building(s), grounds and equipment.
Establishes and directs overall operation of the facility’s activities, both internal and external, and coordinates these activities to ensure compliance with established national, state and local standard for health care facility operation.
Set the tone and atmosphere of the facility; establish personnel policies to maintain good employee relations and morale.
Establish written policies for the operation of the facility in providing a physical, social and psychological environment conducive to maintaining the highest level of independent function and well being for all residents of the facility.
Benefits Include: competitive wage, health insurance, vacation, sick leave, standard paid holidays, 401k with facility match. Other insurance packages are available for purchase.
If interested please submit resume to Manilla Manor, P.O. Box 490, Manilla, Iowa 51454. If you have any questions, please feel free to call 712-654-6812.
Company Info
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Contact Name
P.O. Box 490
146 North 5th Street
Manilla, IA 51454