Frequently Used Terms
Navigate the complex world of long-term care (LTC) acronyms with ease! This page provides a comprehensive list of common acronyms and abbreviations commonly used in the LTC field. Whether you're a professional, student or curious about the terminology, this resource helps decode the jargon, making communication clearer and more efficient.
Acronyms by Category

Skilled Nursing Facilities
Acronym | Description |
AHCA | American Health Care Association |
CASPER | Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporting |
COE-NF | Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health in Nursing Facilities |
ICF/IID | Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
IHCA | Iowa Health Care Association |
LTC | Long-Term Care |
MDS | Minimum Data Set |
NHA | Nursing Home Administrator |
PASRR | Preadmission Screening and Resident Review |
PBJ | Payroll Based Journal |
PDPM | Patient-Driven Payment Model |
PDGM | Patient-Driven Groupings Model |
RAI | Resident Assessment Instrument |
RCF | Residential Care Facility |
RoP | Requirements of Participation |
RPP | Respiratory Protection Program |
RUG | Resource Utilization Group |
SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility |

Assisted Living Programs
Acronym | Description |
ALF | Assisted Living Facility |
ALMC | Assisted Living Management Certification |
ALP | Assisted Living Program |
ICAL | Iowa Center for Assisted Living |
ICF/IID | Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
NCAL | National Center for Assisted Living |
RCF | Residential Care Facility |

Home Health + Home Care Providers
Acronym | Description |
EVV | Electronic Visit Verification |
HCBS | Home- and Community-Based Services |
HHA | Home Health Aide OR Agency |
HHCCN | Home Health Change of Care Notice |
HHVBP | Home Health Value-Based Purchasing |
OASIS | Outcome and Assessment Information Set |

Care Continuum Communities
Acronym | Description |
AHCA | American Health Care Association |
CASPER | Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporting |
ICF/IID | Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
IHCA | Iowa Health Care Association |
LTC | Long-Term Care |
MDS | Minimum Data Set |
PASRR | Preadmission Screening and Resident Review |
PBJ | Payroll Based Journal |
PDPM | Patient-Driven Payment Model |
PDGM | Patient-Driven Groupings Model |
RAI | Resident Assessment Instrument |
RCF | Residential Care Facility |
RoP | Requirements of Participation |
RPP | Respiratory Protection Program |
RUG | Resource Utilization Group |

Care Settings
Acronym | Description |
ACO | Accountable Care Organization |
ALP | Assisted Living Program |
CCRC | Continuing Care Retirement Community |
HHA | Home Health Agency |
ICF | Intermediate Care Facility |
ICF/IID | Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
LTC | Long-Term Care |
MCO | Managed Care Organization |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget |
RCF | Residential Care Facility |
SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility |

Organizations +
State Agencies
Acronym | Description |
AHCA | American Health Care Association |
CCSQ | Center for Clinical Standards and Quality |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services |
COE-NF | Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health in Nursing Facilities |
DHHS | Iowa Department of Health and Human Services |
DIAL | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals and Licensing |
IBON | Iowa Board of Nursing |
IGOV | Iowa Governor |
ICAL | Iowa Center for Assisted Living |
ICHC | Iowa Center for Home Care |
IHCA | Iowa Health Care Association |
IHCQP | Iowa Health Care Quality Partners |
IME | Iowa Medicaid Enterprise |
IPALTC | Iowa Center for Post Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine |
NCAL | National Center for Assisted Living |
NHSN | National Healthcare Safety Network |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration |
OSLTCO | Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman |
SSA | State Survey Agency |
VA | U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs |

Regulatory + Clinical
Acronym | Description |
ADL | Activities of Daily Living |
CASPER | Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporting |
CCDI | Chronic Confusion and Dementing Illness |
CMI | Case Mix Index |
CCN | CMS Certification Number |
DME | Durable Medical Equipment |
EBP | Enhanced Barrier Precaution |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
IMMT | Interim medical monitoring and treatment |
IPC | Infection Prevention and Control |
LSC | Life Safety Code |
MDS | Minimum Data Set |
OASIS | Outcome and Assessment Information Set |
OSLTCO | Office of the State LTC Ombudsman |
PASRR | Preadmission Screening and Resident Review |
PHM | Population Health Management |
POA/DPOA | Power of Attorney/Durable Power of Attorney |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
RAI | Resident Assessment Instrument |
RoP | Requirements of Participation |
RPP | Respiratory Protection Program |
SING | Single Contact Repository |
SSA | State Survey Agency |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |

Managed Care
Acronym | Description |
ACO | Accountable Care Organization |
CDAC | Agency consumer-directed attendant care |
CHOW | Change in Ownership |
CMP | Civil Money Penalty |
CON | Certificate of Need |
DENC | Detailed Explanation of Non-Coverage |
DSNP | Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan |
EOB | Explanation of Benefits |
FFS | Fee-for-Service |
HHCCN | Home Health Change of Care Notice |
HHVBP | Home Health Value-Based Purchasing |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization |
IL | Informational Letter |
IESNP | Institutional Equivalent Special Needs Plan |
MCO | Managed Care Organization |
NOMNC | Notice of Medicare Non-Coverage |
ODF | Open Door Forum |
PBJ | Payroll Based Journal |
PDGM | Patient Driven Groupings Model |
PDPM | Patient Driven Payment Model |
POS | Plan of Service |
PPO | Preferred Provider Organization |
PPS | Prospective Payment System |
QAAF | Quality Assurance Assessment Fee |
RAC | Recovery Audit Contractor |
RUG | Resource Utilization Group |
SNP | Institutional Special Needs Plan |
UB-04 | Uniform Billing Form |
VBP | Value Based Purchasing |

Quality Improvement
Acronym | Description |
CCSQ | Center for Clinical Standards and Quality |
HARP | HCQIS Access, Roles and Profile |
HCQIS | Healthcare Quality Information System |
ITA | Intent to Apply |
iQIES | Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System |
QAPI | Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement |
QI | Quality Improvement |
QIO | Quality Improvement Organization |
QM | Quality Measure |
QRP | Quality Reporting Program |

Professionals +
Staff Roles
Acronym | Description |
ALMC | Assisted Living Management Certification |
AG | Attorney General |
AP | Activity Professional |
CMA | Certified Medication Assistant |
CNA | Certified Nursing Assistant |
COTA | Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant |
DON | Director of Nursing |
HHA | Home Health Agency OR Aide |
LPN | Licensed Practical Nurse |
MD | Doctor of Medicine |
MSW | Medical Social Worker |
NHA | Nursing Home Administrator |
NP | Nurse Practitioner |
OT | Occupational Therapist |
PA | Physician Assistant |
PT | Physical Therapist |
PTA | Physical Therapy Assistant |
RAC-CT | Resident Assessment Coordinator – Certified |
RD | Registered Dietician |
RN | Registered Nurse |
SLP | Speech-Language Pathologist |

All Frequently Used Terms
All Frequently Used Terms
Acronym | Description |
ACO | Accountable Care Organization |
ADL | Activities of Daily Living |
AG | Attorney General |
AHCA | American Health Care Association |
ALP | Assisted Living Program |
CASPER | Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporting |
CCCI | Chronic Confusion and Dementing Illness |
CCN | CMS Certification Number |
CCSQ | Center for Clinical Standards and Quality |
CDAC | Agency consumer-directed attendant care |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
CEU | Continuing Education Unit |
CHOW | Change in Ownership |
CMA | Certified Medication Aide |
CMI | Case Mix Index |
CMP | Civil Money Penalty |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services |
CNA | Certified Nursing Assistant |
COE-NF | Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health in Nursing Facilities |
CON | Certificate of Need |
COTA | Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant |
DHHS | Iowa Department of Health and Human Services |
DIAL | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals and Licensing |
DME | Durable Medical Equipment |
DON | Director of Nursing |
DSNP | Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan |
EBP | Enhanced Barrier Precaution |
EOB | Explanation of Benefits |
EVV | Electronic Visit Verification |
FFS | Fee-for-Service |
HARP | HCQIS Access, Roles and Profile |
HCBS | Home- and Community-Based Services |
HCQIS | Healthcare Quality Information System |
HHA | Home Health Aide OR Agency |
HHVBP | Home Health Value-Based Purchasing |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization |
IBON | Iowa Board of Nursing |
ICAL | Iowa Center for Assisted Living |
ICF | Intermediate Care Facility |
ICF/IID | Intermediate Care Facility for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities |
ICHC | Iowa Center for Home Care |
IESNP | Institutional Equivalent Special Needs Plan |
IGOV | Iowa Governor |
IHCA | Iowa Health Care Association |
IHCQP | Iowa Health Care Quality Partners |
IL | Informational Letter |
IME | Iowa Medicaid Enterprise |
IMMT | Interim medical monitoring and treatment |
IPALTC | Iowa Center for Post Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine |
IPC | Infection Prevention and Control |
iQIES | Internet Quality Improvement and Evaluation System |
ITA | Intent to Apply |
LPN | Licensed Practical Nurse |
LSC | Life Safety Code |
LTC | Long-Term Care |
MCO | Managed Care Organization |
MD | Doctor of Medicine |
MDS | Minimum Data Set |
MSW | Medical Social Worker |
NCAL | National Center for Assisted Living |
NHA | Nursing Home Administrator |
NHSN | National Healthcare Safety Network |
NP | Nurse Practitioner |
OASIS | Outcome and Assessment Information Set |
ODF | Open Door Forum |
OSLTCO | Office of the State LTC Ombudsman |
OT | Occupational Therapist |
PA | Physician Assistant |
PASRR | Preadmission Screening and Resident Review |
PBJ | Payroll Based Journal |
PDGM | Patient-Driven Groupings Model |
PDPM | Patient-Driven Payment Model |
PHM | Population Health Management |
POA/DPOA | Power of Attorney/Durable Power of Attorney |
POS | Plan of Service |
PPE | Personal Protective Equipment |
PPO | Preferred Provider Organization |
PPS | Prospective Payment System |
PT | Physical Therapist |
PTA | Physical Therapy Assistant |
QAAF | Quality Assurance Assessment Fee |
QAPI | Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement |
QI | Quality Improvement |
QIO | Quality Improvement Organization |
QM | Quality Measure |
QRP | Quality Reporting Program |
RAC | Recovery Audit Contractor |
RAC-CT | Resident Assessment Coordinator – Certified |
RAI | Resident Assessment Instrument |
RCF | Residential Care Facility |
RN | Registered Nurse |
RoP | Requirements of Participation |
RPP | Respiratory Protection Program |
RUG | Resource Utilization Group |
SING | Single Contact Repository |
SLP | Speech-Language Pathologist |
SNF | Skilled Nursing Facility |
SNP | Institutional Special Needs Plan |
SSA | State Survey Agency |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury |
UB-04 | Uniform Billing Form |
VA | Department of Veterans Affairs |
VBP | Value-Based Purchasing |