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Iowa Health Care Association | Iowa Center for Assisted Living | Iowa Center for Home Care

Guidance on video cameras in resident rooms

The placement of video cameras in resident rooms has been a hot topic in post-acute settings for years. With a growing level of distrust between the public and post-acute providers, the push for video cameras is not likely to disappear on its own. Because no law or rule exists to prohibit the use of video cameras in resident rooms, nursing facilities, assisted living programs and residential care facilities are encouraged to address their organization’s approach in their admission/occupancy agreements. Although some facilities or programs may choose to allow such devices, members are reminded that some Iowa facilities have already experienced regulatory consequences related to camera use.

Due to the risk involved with these devices, IHCA discourages members from allowing placement of video cameras or other types of recording equipment in resident rooms. Members are encouraged to review their admission and/or occupancy agreements to determine if the existing version reflects the facility’s or program’s position on placement of recording devices.

For questions, contact Brenda Irlbeck, VP, Quality Improvement and Regulatory Affairs, at 515-978-2204.